Top -9- signs that you lack purpose in life.


A worrying new survey has revealed that 89 percent of 16 to 29-year-olds in Britain believe that their life lacks purpose and meaning. According to a UK wide study of 1,500 people, a whopping 84 percent of young people in Britain claim that they’re failing to “live their best life”.

The 16-29 year olds also said that anxiety and worry are stopping them from achieving things in life, the study found.

Meanwhile, over a third of the country said that they would ‘re-do’ life if they could.

Almost half (45 percent) believe that the biggest barrier to finding their meaning and purpose is lack of finances.

As a culture that views career and wealth with great importance, it comes to no surprise that 38 percent said that they’d be happier if they spent more time with their families.

This research highlights the number of people in the country searching for their true purpose, says the company that conducted the survey.

When asked, over half of Brits believe that they exist on this earth to become as happy as possible – while a third believe that their purpose is to do as much good as possible.

Signs that you are lack purpose in life.

Continual dissatisfaction

One of the key indicators of a lack of purpose is a constant sense of dissatisfaction. This isn’t about having a bad day or two. We all have those.

This is about an enduring feeling that something is missing, even when things are going relatively well.

Without a clear purpose, we often find it difficult to appreciate our achievements or feel content.

There’s always this nagging feeling that we should be doing more, achieving more, being more.

This constant dissatisfaction isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though.

In fact, it can act as a catalyst for change and growth.

Recognizing this feeling for what it is – a sign that you might lack a clear purpose in life – is the first step towards finding your true north.

So don’t just dismiss it, pay attention to it!

Lack of motivation

Let me share a personal story with you.

There was a time in my life when I felt completely unmotivated to do anything.

I had a decent job, good friends, yet I often found myself just going through the motions.

Every day felt like a repeat of the day before.

I lacked the drive to pursue new experiences or make changes that could improve my situation.

My lack of motivation was not due to lack of motivation or encouragement and mentorship in something i wanted to do.

It was simply because I didn’t have a clear purpose in life.

I had no compelling reason to get out of bed every morning, no long-term goal that made me excited about the future.

I only realized this when I started exploring my interests more deeply and discovered my passion for writing.

Writing gave me purpose and suddenly, I found the motivation to pursue it relentlessly.

If you find yourself lacking motivation for no apparent reason, it could be because you haven’t discovered your purpose yet. And that’s totally fine. Remember, it’s a journey, not a race.

Difficulty making decisions

Without a clear purpose, decision-making can become a daunting process.

This is because when we’re uncertain about our direction in life, every choice can seem overwhelming. People who lack purpose often struggle with decisions, big or small.

They might spend an excessive amount of time weighing options or procrastinate on making choices altogether.

A clear purpose acts like a compass – it guides us in the right direction and simplifies the decision-making process.

Without it, we can easily find ourselves lost in an ocean of possibilities, unsure of which way to go.

Frequent job changes

People who lack a purpose often hope from one job to another.

This is not about seeking better opportunities or growing in their career.

It’s more about trying to fill a void that they can’t quite put their finger on.

They might feel unfulfilled or restless in their current role, leading them to believe that the solution is a new job. However, without a clear purpose, the same feelings tend to surface in the new job too.

It’s like trying to fill a bucket with a hole at the bottom – no matter how much water you pour in, it won’t stay full until you fix the hole. Similarly, no job can bring lasting satisfaction when what’s really missing is a sense of purpose.

Lack of clear goals

Without a purpose, it’s challenging to set clear and meaningful goals.

People lacking a sense of purpose may have goals, but they’re often vague or constantly changing.

For instance, one day they might dream of running their own business.

The next, they’re drawn to the idea of traveling the world with nothing but a backpack.

These shifting goals reflect the uncertainty and lack of direction that come without have a clear purpose in life

Having a purpose doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind or explore new paths.

Feeling disconnected

Feeling disconnected from others can often be a sign of lacking purpose.

It’s not about being antisocial or introverted.

It’s a deeper sense of disconnection, as if you’re on a different wavelength from everyone else.

Without a clear purpose, you might find it hard to relate to others, share your thoughts or be truly present in your relationships.

You might feel like you’re just going through the motions, unable to truly connect on a meaningful level.

This disconnection isn’t just limited to others.

It extends to yourself too.

Without a purpose, it’s easy to lose touch with your own feelings and desires.

It’s okay to feel this way.

It’s not a personal failing, but rather a signal that something important – your purpose – might be missing from your life.


I’ll admit, there were times when I found myself trapped in a loop of overthinking.

I would replay conversations in my head, obsess over minor details, and worry about things that hadn’t even happened yet.

This mental whirlwind wasn’t due to stress or anxiety.

It was a symptom of not having a clear purpose.

Without a defined direction, my mind would often wander into a maze of unproductive thoughts.

It’s like being stuck at a crossroads without a map.

When you don’t know which way to go, you end up going in circles.

Finding your purpose can help quiet the noise in your head.

It gives your mind something positive and concrete to focus on, reducing the tendency to overthink.

Living in the future or the past

People lacking a clear purpose often find themselves either dwelling on the past or constantly planning for the future.

They might have a hard time staying present and enjoying the moment.

This is because without a purpose, it’s difficult to find satisfaction in the here and now.

The past may be filled with regrets and the future seems uncertain.

Having a clear purpose helps ground you in the present.

It gives meaning to your current actions and experiences, making it easier to appreciate the journey, not just the destination.

Remember, life is happening right now.

Don’t miss out on it by focusing too much on what was or what could be.

Lack of fulfillment

Above all, a lack of purpose often leads to a feeling of emptiness or unfulfillment.

You might have everything you need – a good job, loving relationships, financial stability – yet, something still feels missing.

This is because true fulfillment comes from within.

It’s about knowing who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to achieve in life.

Without a clear purpose, it’s hard to feel truly fulfilled.

Finding your purpose won’t magically solve all your problems.

But it will provide you with the guidance and motivation to face them head-on.

After all, it’s not about having a perfect life, but a meaningful one.

Tips to encourage you to anchor your purpose.

Extra quotes on lack of purpose.

An anchored identity doesn’t go up and down with the ups and downs of life.

“And while I may get hurt, disappointed, or frustrated […], my foundation doesn’t have to change.” ―T​im Tebow

“Our identity is not in our joy, and our identity is not in our suffering. Our identity is in Christ, whether we have joy or are suffering.” ―Mark Driscoll

“Struggling is not the identity. You must learn to live while you struggle, such that anyone who sees you can separate the struggle from your life.” ―Unknown

Identity is at the heart of purpose and peace.

“The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose.” ―Richard Grant

“Our true identity is to love without fear and insecurity. Our higher potential finds us when we set our course in that direction. The power of love and compassion transforms insecurity.” ―Doc Childre

Your identity comes from the inside, not the outside.

“Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go.” ―Doug Cooper

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” ―Steve Jobs … and might I add, more importantly, don’t let the noise drown out the voice and promises of God!


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