How to anchor your Purpose in life? (7 proven step-by-step Guide)


When we hit the topic of purpose in life, we will see an ocean of results like steps to finding your purpose, but we never answer a fundamental question: what is the meaning of purpose in life? Why is it even necessary for me to know my purpose? We shall begin with the question, what is the importance of purpose in life?

For health benefits.


A sense of
purpose has been associated with many health benefits; we have sharp memory and
thinking skills, reduced risks of chronic disease and disability, mood control,
and longevity. Studies suggest that compared with people who don’t have a sense
of purpose, those with a sense of purpose help them avoid some of the
physiological effects of chronic stress that contribute to heart attacks,
strokes, and early death. Then, importance number two is

All companies and businesses are built with a purpose


You have a clear road map in your life


You have millions of people to inspire and give hope to out there


Steps to anchor your purpose.

Step 1: Find out what drives you.


The first step to understanding your purpose in life is to differentiate between a job and a calling, do this by determining what drives you. Write down all the Jobs you have done, and you will find out it’s just a job and not your calling if the following are true.

  • It’s just a pretense but not the real you inside.
  • It’s about delivering services, but you are emotionally detached.
  • It doesn’t feel authentic to you doing them.
  • You feel misplaced doing them.

Understand that there is nothing called coincidence in life; everything happens and comes at the right time; some are arranged for success, and others are set for failure; there are two traps to escape in this matrix:

  • Overly dwelling on the challenges and constant complaining.
  • Failure to distinguish between providences for success and arrangements for failure.

Step 2: Find out what energizes you.


Some of the questions you might answer include: 

  • What content do you consume? Books, podcasts, Netflix shows, YouTube videos. Is there a theme or something you love learning about? What kind of articles can you not resist clicking on?
  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? One that showed the giver knows you well.
  • Think of recent times when you were so immersed while working on something that you achieved a flow state. You felt energized, as though time seemed to fly by without you noticing (unfortunately, sleeping and bingeing Netflix don’t count here!). What were you doing? 

Step 3: Develop facts about the list or Journal.

This is where you write all the facts others don’t know about you, and only you know those facts about yourself. This will help you to know and understand which group you can highly reach. Facts also in your daily encounter: it’s a quiet nudge from deep within saying, hmm, something feels off. A small voice that tells you this is no longer your place of belonging.

It’s the pit in your stomach or the pause before you speak—the shiver and goosebumps that raise the hairs on your neck. Whatever form the whisper takes, it’s not a coincidence. Your life is trying to tell you something. Heeding these signs can open the doors to your evolution, pushing you toward your life’s purpose. Ignoring them—sleepwalking through your life—is an invitation to chaos.

Step 4: Figure out what you’re good at.

  • Everybody has an unfair advantage, the things that seem to come naturally to them without much coaching or studying. What do you tend to understand more quickly than most people? What do you find fun that other people might find difficult or tedious?
  • You receive a text from a friend who needs advice or to be taught something. What are they likely turning to you for? What kind of advice do people tend to seek from you? What skills have you ever taught someone (big or small)?
  • What makes you, you? What makes you weird (being weird is good)?

Step 5. Discover the shadow of your dreams.

That’s the reality behind public speaking; the more sincere you are, the bigger your success. People will always sense naturality. And pick out your energy. This example applies more to public speaking but think of your area of interest and find out the shadows that you be having, then move to the next step.

Step 6. Write down your values & convictions.

  • What gets you fired up? What injustice infuriates you?
  • Which of the UN’s sustainable development goals do you feel most strongly about? Why do you think that is? 
  • Imagine you are hosting a dinner for your role models and could invite anyone you want, dead or alive. Who would you invite and why? Write one characteristic for each of them. What is it about their life and accomplishments that inspire you? What underlying traits or values draw you in? 

Step7. Set a boundary between your pay and values.


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